Nurse call system code blue
Code blue is an added feature to an existing nurse call system. At FORBIX SEMICON we have devised this innovative solution. Used at hospitals, dispensaries, offices, homes, offices, and even factory plants. Most of all, this system ensures that the doctors get an alert immediately in case of an emergency. The system consists of 3 main components:
- Calling buttons (panic buttons)
- Receiver console to display the number the calling buttons
- The receiver console automatic dialer. This sends missed calls and SMS to registered mobile numbers
On press of a button from a remote controller, the CODE BLUE sequence initiates itself.
Code blue sequence initialization
Following is the set of sequences occur on the press of a panic button:
- First, the calling remote number shows up on the receiver display console at the nurse station
- Then, an automatic SMS sent to registered phone numbers (with a predefined message)
- A sequence of missed calls is then dialed to the same registered mobile number
- This immediately alerts the doctor on duty. The doctor may be anywhere in the building.
As a result, the doctor will be able to know about the emergency situation immediately. At times there may be a delay in alert SMS and missed call. This is because of the network delay.
Automatic messaging and missed calls
For example of the SMS that the doctors receive. “Ward A: Code BLUE medical emergency // Please attend as soon as possible“ (It is possible to program the message content as per customer necessity).
Procedure to program registered mobile numbers:
[Assume, mobile number to register is 9876543210]
*FBXADD*9876543210# Adds the number 9876543210 to receive an alert message
Response SMS: 987654321 added to CODEBLUE emergency system
*FBXNEG*9876543210# Removes a particular number 09876543210 from the alert messaging system
Response SMS: 987654321 removed from CODEBLUE system
*FBXCHK# Display the existing registered mobile numbers
*FBXRST# Clear all registered phone numbers from the console memory This message needs to be sent from a registered mobile number ONLY
No response SMS
The automatic dialer can reach out to the destination (registered) mobile numbers almost immediately. As a result, doctors are always kept informed about the emergency happening. Hence, patients assured with quality treatment for their stay at the hospital. Furthermore, it is extremely simple to add or delete the attending doctor’s number. Just by simple SMS the addition and deletion of numbers performed.