Now Safety and freedom with Wireless Panic Alarms

Wireless Panic Alarm

Remote Siren Alarm

Wireless Residential Alarm Wireless Alarm

Wireless remote control siren

The set comprises 1 remote + 1 siren. As compared to the traditional panic alert mechanism, then remote siren does not need any wiring or installation. Moreover, it is quite possible to customize the design to enable many sirens, that can be trigged from many remotes.

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A remote siren set consists of a wireless remote controller and a wireless alarm receiver, to begin with. The remote once pressed triggers the siren alarm continuously. It is also possible to trigger the alarm for a brief moment. In other words the solution helps in alerting the neighbors in a situation of burglary or emergency. 1 remote, 1 siren set also finds in place in factories, offices and industries for alerting staff. Now that, the remote control siren can alert with ease, residents can also take an advantage to call intimate the guard at check post. However, the set has many other benefits and associated applications.

Code Red Siren

Code Red Siren Alarm Code Red Siren

Code Red Alert Beacon

1 remote 1 code red revolving light beacon comes altogether in a box. Basically, the devices are preconfigured and ready to use. Specifically this set consists of red light. However, another variant of Blue revolving beacon is also manufactured. Together it servers for code red and code blue solutions.

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To begin with , a Code red panic alert mechanism is a mandatory requirement towards building safety. By an large, usually deployed at industries, residential premises and commercial shops. At this point, alerting security staff, or duty workers is now very easy with this remote device. Being that, the remote signal, guided by radio frequency, triggers the code red beacon. The beacon kept on either momentarily or constantly. In brief, this depends on the fact that how critical the situation is. The revolving light should be placed at an elevated location, as long as it is visible to majority of the premises. Moreover, elevated heigh serves a good receptor for the radio signals.

Security alarm

Wireless Security Alarm Wireless Security Alarm

RF Transmitter Receiver Alarm

In particular the solution is designed for factories and industries. That is to say, an alert can be triggered from 3 or more different locations. Press for alarm in emergency, machine is solely designed with this purpose in mind. As the previous counterparts, the solution is unquestionably scalable and expandable. And certainly no need of wiring, floor plan inspection installation.

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For one thing, a security guard post can now get an alert from 3 distant alert button sources. Equally important, the receiver at the guard post possesses respective indicator lights. This indicator displays the panic button number, and hence the location. Specifically, deployed at embassy counters, check posts and even border crossing gates. By all means, the solution is very imperative to alert infiltration at border crossing police barriers.

Bank Alarm

Bank Alarm Bank Alarm

Bank security warning system

Bank security warning system consists of 6 remote controllers, in the first place. In particular, each of which will be at the cash teller counter or staff tables. Specifically, under a circumstance of exigency, staff members can notify the security guards. Particularly, the respective counter number shows up on the receiver alarm with indicator.

Foot Button Switch Alarm

Foot Button Switch Security Alarm Foot Button Switch Alarm

Foot Button Switch Alarm

The set consists of a foot switch button transmitted coupled with a receiver alarm siren. As a matter of fact, the siren can also be alerted using the remote controller. The foot switch transmitter, together with the remote control serves as a dual mechanism security solution.

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Foot switch button panic alarm is undoubtedly a camouflaged system to alert security staff at a distance. For one thing, the foot switch equipped with concealed transmitter unit. Therefore, when the switch is pressed it triggers the transmitter. These SOS signals from the transmitter is instantly captured by the receiver unit. Most importantly, the radio receiver fitted with a high intensity siren alert. In particular the alarm siren is 108 decibels loud and is audible from 200-500 meters.

Programmable Timer Alarm

Programmable Timer Alarm Programmable Timer Alarm

Programmable Timer Alarm device has SDCard to configure the alarm times. At predefined time and duration, the alarm sets the siren on. Besides, it is possible to activate the siren with the help of wireless remote controller. The device equipped with internal real time clock (RTC) is the backbone of the timer. Walk clock time, date and present shows up on bright OLED. It is also possible to synchronize the RTC with the help of WiFi hotspot that the equipment launches. By connecting to the WiFi network any smart device can update RTC to internet time.

Elevator Stuck Alarms

Elevator Stuck Alarms Elevator Stuck Alarm

Elevator Stuck Alarms

Not to mention, in an event of stuck lift mechanism passengers need to be immediately evacuated. The set comprises of panic button and the automatic dialer, together with GSM communicating devices. In case of malfunction, this set will undoubtedly alert security staff of elevator maintenance staff for immediate action.

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Elevator stuck panic alarm solution, undeniably come to rescue of passengers stuck in a lift car. For instance, the lift mechanism halts because of sudden power cut. Obviously such a situation demands for an immediate rescue. A panic alarm button inside the elevator car specifically alerts security and maintenance staff. By all means, a series of SMS and missed calls follows through. In particular, maintenance staff, security, building authorities, elevator company etc. informed within no time. RF solution together with GSM serves an excellent alert mechanism in case of emergency failures.

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